Settling In...Sort of?

Our monthiversary of leaving Colorado has come and gone. Sometimes it feels like it has all been a blur and I can't believe it has been so long. Other times I feel like it must have been longer, because I don't even remember what it's like to not live out of suitcases anymore. We have slept in 13 different places since leaving Superior, and I am getting so excited to move aboard the boat! It will be nice to have a home again!

selfies with Lorelei
some local color
Our new place is very nice though. It is in a gated community right on the beach, called Ocean Village. There are 6 pools here, and some cool wildlife, plus it is still only 10 minutes to the boat. Unfortunately, we had to move 3 times just to get into the condo we were meant to be in.

our pool
lunch at the Tiki Bar
new neighbors, the Florida Softshell Turtle. Audrey calls them 'Spout Nosed Turtles' because they blow water out of their noses occasionally. 

My dad came for a visit! Yeah! It was so nice to have him around. He helped with a bunch of boat stuff, and played at the pool with us. It was a real spirit booster to have him.

dancing with Grampsy

everyone got a pedicure

Grampsy with his head in the fridge. Between his help, and Jacob's dad coming down every weekend to help us out, we are really starting to get things done! 
I've been doing a lot of debating about how involved to get in this community. I don't think we will be here for too long, but I may still join the local homeschool support group, which offers coop classes for homeschool kids, and lots of field trips and park dates. I would love to make some friends. I'm really missing all of my Colorado friends, especially now that Jacob is back at work full-time and it isn't like perma-vacation anymore.