Beach Bungalow Bust

The Beach Bungalow was ready and we moved in after July 4th weekend . It is a cute, quiet spot, right across from the beach, where even dogs are welcome. Unfortunately, it is a very strange layout! The bedroom doesn't have a door, only curtains, and Jacob can only get internet from one far corner of the couch or the bathroom. Since the bathroom has a door, Jacob works in there pretty often, yuck! We are looking to move next week to something with a true bedroom. We will miss this spot though. The upside to living like this, is it will make the boat seem luxurious with closing doors and defined separate spaces.
the girls love sneaking up and studying the lizards at the Beach Bungalows!
this one had a cool throat pouch!
We went to the beach this afternoon. I didn't take my phone because I didn't want to carry anything.  I was sad that I couldn't take any pictures, but it was so nice.  I felt so present!  I think I need to leave that thing at home more often.  I didn't check email, answer calls, text or even check the time.  I just played ball with Sweet Pea and had a sand and snail tea party with the girls.

goofing around at the boat yard
I was sitting at a Thai restaurant with Lorelei, and she was telling me about how our waitress was speaking Spanish. I tried to explain that there were more languages than Spanish and English, the language we spoke. She says, 'I don't speak English. I speak Normalish.' This kid cracks me up! 

I HATE bugs!!! I seem to get more bites than anyone else in the family. The girls do have a few bites each, but my legs, ankles, and feet are covered. Jacob suggests I should use mind over matter to avoid scratching until I have only bloody stumps, but I have been trying every anti-itch and allergy cream on the market instead. It almost feels like it's not effective anymore! Suggestions?? This has made me want to make no-see-um screens for the boat. I just need to figure out how. 

Climbing onto Lark.  I'm excited for her to get into the water.
We have been visiting Lark regularly, and getting some things done. After the thru hulls, we decided to have the yard paint her bottom. They also replaced her zincs and polished the propeller. We have also hired a sign company to make her a new name and hailing port decal. 

Posing with the boat after she had her bottom painted. 

Doesn't the bottom look pretty! 
I have been reading up on making v-berth sheets for the girls and trying to decide what material to use. Nice cotton is super comfy, but doesn't necessarily dry quickly. Some recommend a micro-fiber sheet, but I'm a little worried they will be too warm in tropical climates. The other recommendation is for a poly-cotton blend.  I also looked into linen.  It is supposed to be cool and dry quickly, but I'm not sure where to buy it. There is a company that makes them, but they are over $200 a sheet. 

We would also like to make new curtains, and get new rugs. Maybe also some new cushions, but we will see how the existing set wash up first. The refrigeration also needs to be fixed and hopefully the air conditioning before we move aboard. 
Aren't these dishes pretty? I was considering them for the boat.

More pictures from our week:
We met our cousins in Sebastian for splash pad fun and lunch. 

Checking out Friday Fest in downtown Fort Pierce

picture by Audrey (notice the giant bug bite in the middle of my forehead)

snuggling Papa

playing at the beach
Sweet Pea enjoyed the beach too.