Layover in Melbourne

After 8 days on the road, we finally stopped for a bit in Melbourne, Florida. Jacob's parents live here, so it is a nice place to hang out while we wait for our condo in Fort Pierce to be ready. We rented a cute condo on Melbourne Harbor for a week, with a park out front (unfortunately, with a fairly large transient population) and a swimming pool. We spent some time with GranMiri and Papa at their new apartment, having dinner at our condo, and exploring the hotspots of Melbourne.

our favorite breakfast spot on Melbourne Beach, The Beachside Cafe

playing in the pool at the condo
with GranMiri and Papa after a fun Cuban dinner night out
We also got to go for a fun sail on Papa's boat, Eumelia. It was the girls' first sailing experience, and they really enjoyed exploring the boat, and looking for dolphins. We all had a lovely time.

Another highlight of the week was playing with our cousins. The girls loved re-connecting with Jack and Will, and I loved having a fellow mom of small kids to talk to, commiserate and laugh with again. We already have a good meet-in-the-middle spot picked out, so that we can stay connected.

cousins after a day at the beach
Jack and Lorelei
Audrey and Will playing in the waves
Jacob's dad was also an amazing help with our move! He helped us move all of our stuff into our storage locker, and even got us started on the first of our boat projects, replacing leaky thru hulls!