Father's Day

For father's day I did a Mad-Libs type thing with Audrey about her daddy. I think some of her answers are pretty adorable!

My Daddy
by Audrey Champness, Age 5

My Daddy’s Name is Jacob.
He is 50 pounds and 40 feet tall.
He has brown hair and blue eyes.
My daddy likes to wear shorts and T-shirts.
His favorite book is Anne of Green Gables, and he likes movies about Saint Patricks Day
He likes to go to restaurants that have nachos and he loves to eat coffee and noodles.
My daddy is smart because he knows how to read and he taught me
My daddy always tells me how smart I am.
For fun he likes to stay up late with me and Lorelei
I love it when my daddy reads stories to me.
If I could give my daddy anything it would be a special book about Rose
My favorite thing about my daddy is that he loves me so much!


I'm so lucky to have such an amazing partner. He is a fantastic father! He is so focused on making the best possible life for our kiddos.