
Audrey wrapped up unit 2 in the Kindergarten A math book this morning; did another page of her Z-B handwriting book; and did 2 pages of her Modern Curriculum Press spelling workout.

Listening to Matt Rutherford of Solo the Americas on The Sailing Podcast this morning, something finally clicked that I'd heard years ago, yet never fully understood (and still probably don't): that we can achieve things we would not have thought possible if we are really willing to prioritize them.  It sounds entirely un-profound as I read what I've just written, and maybe it is more apparent to others than it has been to me, but I've only recently begun to recognize just how many implicit and unquestioned assumptions I live with about what's important in life, and how liberating it is to begin to abandon those. I won't elaborate at present, as it's late, but maybe sometime soon...