Letting Go

Lorelei wearing her 1st Christmas dress
I'm way too sentimental. We have been cleaning up and trying to get the house ready. Today we tackled the garage which included 5 or 6 large 30 gallon bags (or 150 gallons) full of kids clothes. We have been debating what to do with them for over a year...sell on craigslist, consign, donate. My goal was always to make some money from them in order to help finance our new adventure, so today I tried consignment. I loaded up the bags and drove down to Boulder, only to find out that our local kids consignment store does not accept consignment on Sundays. Next stop, Arvada. After lugging in all the bags, waiting over an hour for them to go through them all, they took about 1/4 of one bag. Leaving behind some really cute summer stuff from name brand stores because they were in small sizes! The whole process was so stressful for me. Even though I wanted to make some money, I felt like I would throw-up when they decided to take Lorelei's 1st Christmas dress. I'm so attached to those tiny little clothes, and the memories they hold. And to top it all off, I think I pulled a muscle in my shoulder hauling all of those bags. The thought of doing it all again tomorrow in Boulder sounds miserable so I think I will just donate the rest to the Nederland Community Closet. Hopefully it will be like ripping off the band-aid, and at least it will go to the community I love. 

The purging is going well otherwise though. As Jacob mentioned, we really reduced the amount of STUFF in Audrey's room! It is so nice in there now, I don't know how we lived with it before. 

Some photos from the last couple weeks that I have been meaning to post:
Audrey at her Mermaid swimming pool 5th birthday party
reading one of her birthday cards
Lorelei and Nani at the party
Lorelei with Grampsy
making a Build-a-Bear for her birthday
Everyone helping Grampsy re-level the dishwasher after tiling
Grampsy installing our new window sill
mountain climbing
mud-puddle splashing
tree hugger
shoveling our spring snow after dance class