Birthday Week

We have been so busy with getting this house ready to sell! We are doing lots of work boxing up, de-cluttering, and small maintenance projects (very well documented in Jacob's blog posts :). Also, we have been getting prices on painting, carpeting, and handyman projects. My dad is in town again (Yeah!) and helping with some other big projects, like our mud-room, doors, and kitchen floor. 

Yesterday we had a stager come in and give us lots of helpful tips on making this house sellable. I'm excited to post some before and after photos of the house once we put her ideas in place. 

One big thing on the shopping list is going to be art work. She wants us to have one or two pieces of framed art in each room. I asked if she thought my paint and sip art would work, and she said no. Oh well. 

the new shelves for the mud room. I'm so excited about the pretty trim!

 On top of all this housework, we are in the midst of Audrey's birthday week. Before the week began we brainstormed all of her favorite things, and we are trying to fit them all in. On Sunday she went skiing with Jacob and had hot chocolate, so that is one thing checked off her list. We already went for a fancy breakfast out where she was allowed to order fancy herbal tea and put in sugar and cream, so that is another check off the list. We are still going to go Build-A-Bear this week (Lorelei did one for her birthday, and Audrey has been waiting patiently since November for her turn), eat at Benihana, and the grand finale will be her swimming pool mermaid party with her friends. Oh, and she also requested that we make ice-cream cone cupcakes for her school party again this year. It seems like a lot when I write it all down….I really do love birthdays though, so it is fun for me to try and make if really fun for her. Also, with Grampsy in town the birthday stuff is even more special and exciting!

riding the Indian Peaks lift with Daddy

making cupcakes for her friends at dance and school