Grampsy Time

The house is really coming along! After the crazy cleaning spree, my dad has been furiously fixing things too. We have new lighting fixtures, a new front door, a new bedroom door, a new towel bar, patched bathroom wall, new door knobs....and I know there is more, I just can't remember it all. He even extended his stay to help finish all the things he had started. I feel really lucky to have him. It has also been so nice for the girls. They are loving having all the Grampsy time. 

It hasn't been all work, we went to see a play, and spent a few days in Breckenridge. Breckenridge has been a Thanksgiving tradition for my dad and I for the past 32 years. We started going to Beaver Run when I was 4. We have so many great memories there. It was really great bringing the girls back, and it was nice not cooking all day! 

Thanksgiving dinner

yum, cheese (our favorite fondue restaurant in Breckenridge)
One thing that I love about the hotel is the great pool. It is half indoors and half outdoor, and the girls loved it. They are both getting so brave in the water. Lorelei might be a little too brave. She will stand on the edge and just jump. A time or two, no one was ready and she started to sink for a split second before we grabbed her. She came up sputtering, but ready to do it again. In swimming class we have been working on her kicking and pulling after she jumps so she doesn't sink. She is really good at both, just not consecutively....yet. Audrey on the other hand is doing both brilliantly, and has gotten over her fear of taking the plunge without someone right there to catch her, as long as it is in under 4 feet of water.