
Today I replaced all the old smoke detectors with fancy combination smoke and CO detectors.  Apparently that's mandatory when you sell a house in CO these days.  That's right, you can't sell a house in carbon monoxide without Colorado detectors.

Len replaced one of our ancient kitchen light fixtures with a nice new one.  It's great except it's one of those stupid CF-only fixtures.  I didn't realize they were actually changing the fixtures themselves. I thought I'd be able to stockpile incandescents in order to avoid having a house full of those damn little mercury capsules, but apparently not.  Anyway, the new fixture looks much better than the old one.

We also replaced the mangy 28-year-old stove hood with a fancy new LG OTR microwave to match the stove.   It's pretty sweet.

The house is so much more live-able these last couple days than it's ever been with so much junk cleared out and so many previously unaddressed projects completed.  It's great!  If only it had a full keel and a cutter rig...

OK about the showing.  The folks were pretty impressed with the location and definitely liked certain parts of the place.  Overall they maintained pretty good poker faces, so who knows.  I guess the thing is that if you're being shown the place by the seller what else would you do but keep a poker face?

We're on chapter 8 of It's Your Boat Too, and I'm in high school in the School of Pipsology.