I sealed up the school box and the box of my clothes tonight.
I did some research on shipping 18 30x20x13 bins. First I called PODS. Their smallest unit is 7x7x8 and they quoted $2600 to go to Ft Pierce from Superior. Crazy! Then I called Pack Rat and they quoted $4800! And I thought $2600 was bad. As much as I dislike Uhaul, they have something called a Ubox which is 8x7.5x5 and they quoted $1300. But I sat down and did the math, I realized that with our boxes, we would fill the Ubox less than half-way. And I'd still need to move the Jeep.
So I went back to UShip, which we used to move the Outback and all our stuff from Alaska, as well as shipping out several of the items for which we needed to find homes during this process over the past year. They said that at a price of $1250 it would be very likely that our bins and Jeep could all be shipped. Why didn't I just start there? So hopefully someone bites on my listing over there.
Things are moving along...
5/27 progress
I tackled the school bin tonight. It's pretty tough but we'll get it wrapped up tomorrow. Big garage sale this weekend. Everything must go.
Just heard about this awesome thing: www.libertyhealthshare.org.
Just heard about this awesome thing: www.libertyhealthshare.org.
5/27 school
- 40 subtraction facts for 9 in splash math
- Dress rehearsal for Monkey King play at Kinderheart
- Dress rehearsal for Monkey King play at Kinderheart
5/26 progress
Well we never get done all we've planned, but things are definitely starting to look better in the garage and we have 7 of our bins packed and sealed. Lots still to do: bins to finish packing; garage sale this weekend; dumping what remains; figuring out how to ship our stuff; figuring out where to live on land for a couple months while we fix some deck leaks and stuff aboard; figuring out how to get the liability coverage I'll probably need for the marina; figuring out how to tow the jeep; etc., etc., etc..
5/26 school
- 40 subtraction facts for 10 in splash math
- read the first section of SotWV1, Chapter 34 on Julius Caesar
- answered review questions
- narration and dictation
- map work to finish SotWV1, Chapter 29 on the Punic Wars
- WWE: 1 Week 31: Days 1, 2
- Audrey read aloud two chapters from Emmaline and the Bunny
- April read to the girls a chapter of The Happy Hollisters
- 40 subtraction facts for 10 in splash math
- read the first section of SotWV1, Chapter 34 on Julius Caesar
- answered review questions
- narration and dictation
- map work to finish SotWV1, Chapter 29 on the Punic Wars
- WWE: 1 Week 31: Days 1, 2
- Audrey read aloud two chapters from Emmaline and the Bunny
- April read to the girls a chapter of The Happy Hollisters
5/24 progress
We made an offer and it was accepted on Friday for the Ericson 36C in Ft. Pierce. I don't guess she'll be the boat we take across an ocean, but she'd be a great boat to learn to cruise on and I think we'll have a great time with her.
We packed our kitchen box today which was the last of the boxes we hadn't at least started already. Tomorrow we'll move into suitcases and take all the clothes boxes and finish off the book and school boxes, and from there out, anything that's not against the east wall of the garage or in a suitcase upstairs, or in the safe cabinet in the kitchen is dumpster-eligible. Can you feel the freedom of it all?
24 days
We packed our kitchen box today which was the last of the boxes we hadn't at least started already. Tomorrow we'll move into suitcases and take all the clothes boxes and finish off the book and school boxes, and from there out, anything that's not against the east wall of the garage or in a suitcase upstairs, or in the safe cabinet in the kitchen is dumpster-eligible. Can you feel the freedom of it all?
24 days
About the boats.
About the boats.
The R44 may be an awesome circumnavigator, in particular considering that she was just circumnavigated. Then again she may be shot, in particular considering that she was just circumnavigated. She has great equipment and excellent tankage -- 210 gallons of water, 125 of fuel. Her number are great. ish. She is a ketch with an amputated mizzen. So what's her real SA/D? I found a bunch of posts by the seller from a couple years back where he described the rig as "crap" and said that he constantly removes rust from the chainplates. And he repairs new blisters every time he hauls her. And the engine has 10,000 hours.
Our thinking on the E36 vs. the R44 is that, being a substantially smaller boat, we'll spend less on her, not only at purchase, but at every turn; and equally importantly, probably sail her lots more than we would the R44. And those are the two things we need most now: to stack bills and build experience on the water.
So we made that offer on that Ericson, and the owner doesn't want to do a sea-trial. What is that about? Strange. I guess it's still worthwhile to consider her on the basis of a lower price. If we just assume the worst about the rig and engine and price it that way, I guess it's fine. I guess it could be a real bargain that way.
If we were able to log 2 4-hours cruises per week for 2 years we'd actually know a thing or two by the time we left. Sitting right at Ft. Pierce Inlet as she does, we could actually start to log real sea time too. We'd start to get first-hand experience of dealing with tides and currents, anchoring, sailing, reefing, MOB procedures, fishing, motoring, docking, VHF, and living and cooking aboard. With her sailing dinghy, I can even teach the girls how to sail in the safety of the basin. All around, I'm finally convinced that the E36 is a great boat for us at this point in this adventure at a great price and in a great place.
Or we could wait. There's no reason to rush buying a boat. But what should we wait for? Are we going to find a another decent boat that's not in need of significant maintenance in the sub-30 range? Are we going to be able to save more money living ashore than we could on the $5/ft dock in Ft. Pierce? Are we going to be able to make up time learning those hands-on lessons? I'm thinking not.
Well, we'll sleep on it and see what we think in the morning.
The R44 may be an awesome circumnavigator, in particular considering that she was just circumnavigated. Then again she may be shot, in particular considering that she was just circumnavigated. She has great equipment and excellent tankage -- 210 gallons of water, 125 of fuel. Her number are great. ish. She is a ketch with an amputated mizzen. So what's her real SA/D? I found a bunch of posts by the seller from a couple years back where he described the rig as "crap" and said that he constantly removes rust from the chainplates. And he repairs new blisters every time he hauls her. And the engine has 10,000 hours.
Our thinking on the E36 vs. the R44 is that, being a substantially smaller boat, we'll spend less on her, not only at purchase, but at every turn; and equally importantly, probably sail her lots more than we would the R44. And those are the two things we need most now: to stack bills and build experience on the water.
So we made that offer on that Ericson, and the owner doesn't want to do a sea-trial. What is that about? Strange. I guess it's still worthwhile to consider her on the basis of a lower price. If we just assume the worst about the rig and engine and price it that way, I guess it's fine. I guess it could be a real bargain that way.
If we were able to log 2 4-hours cruises per week for 2 years we'd actually know a thing or two by the time we left. Sitting right at Ft. Pierce Inlet as she does, we could actually start to log real sea time too. We'd start to get first-hand experience of dealing with tides and currents, anchoring, sailing, reefing, MOB procedures, fishing, motoring, docking, VHF, and living and cooking aboard. With her sailing dinghy, I can even teach the girls how to sail in the safety of the basin. All around, I'm finally convinced that the E36 is a great boat for us at this point in this adventure at a great price and in a great place.
Or we could wait. There's no reason to rush buying a boat. But what should we wait for? Are we going to find a another decent boat that's not in need of significant maintenance in the sub-30 range? Are we going to be able to save more money living ashore than we could on the $5/ft dock in Ft. Pierce? Are we going to be able to make up time learning those hands-on lessons? I'm thinking not.
Well, we'll sleep on it and see what we think in the morning.
5/21 prog
So we made an offer on that Ericson we've been considering. I'll talk more about the reasons for our choice shortly, and all the things we can't wait to do on her, but for now, suffice it to say that there are many, many things to do and I badly need some rest to be able to do them.
5/19 school
Getting Real
We had a busy and fairly productive weekend. We listed more than 15 of our big items for sale on Craigslist and Boulder Rockin' Moms. That involved a massive cleaning and organizing project just to get them all photo ready. Thankfully it is already starting to pay off. We have sold our 3 large shelving units in the garage, and a 9 cube storage unit. Also, we have had lots of interest in most of the other items, so hopefully those will be gone soon too. Nobody seems to want my big mural of bears in the woods though :(. I loved that mural so much, and thought for sure it would be a hit around here...but no takers so far.
We also packed our box of books, and sorted out 3 large apple boxes worth of books to get rid of. We hauled the books over to the local 2nd hand book shop hoping to sell a bunch, and walked out with $8. I don't know why I haven't learned my lesson about that yet. If someone would have asked if I wanted $8 to carry all of those books around, load and unload them and wait around for an hour while they were sorted, I would have said, 'No, thank you!'. Oh well. We did get to leave most of the books there in their free bins, so at least we didn't have to haul them home.
We got most of what we had hoped to get done, done this weekend. We still need to tackle the games, ownschool and kitchen boxes. After that we will be packing into suitcases and planning for our road trip! Things are getting real around here.
No big news to report on the boat front at this point, though John did alleviate our concerns about the hours on the Reliance's Perkins 4-236. He said his Volvo has 13000 hours and going strong. Of course it's all hugely dependent on the maintenance regimen the engine has seen and we have no real way of knowing about that, but the seller's an engineer which is a good sign.
One really good feature about the layout of the Reliance 44 is that it has symmetrical quarter berths which could give the girls each a separate private space. In this instance the seller has cannibalized half the starboard q-berth for a nav station, which we would now have re-cannibalize for a q-berth, but what do you do?
We had a busy and fairly productive weekend. We listed more than 15 of our big items for sale on Craigslist and Boulder Rockin' Moms. That involved a massive cleaning and organizing project just to get them all photo ready. Thankfully it is already starting to pay off. We have sold our 3 large shelving units in the garage, and a 9 cube storage unit. Also, we have had lots of interest in most of the other items, so hopefully those will be gone soon too. Nobody seems to want my big mural of bears in the woods though :(. I loved that mural so much, and thought for sure it would be a hit around here...but no takers so far.
We got most of what we had hoped to get done, done this weekend. We still need to tackle the games, ownschool and kitchen boxes. After that we will be packing into suitcases and planning for our road trip! Things are getting real around here.
No big news to report on the boat front at this point, though John did alleviate our concerns about the hours on the Reliance's Perkins 4-236. He said his Volvo has 13000 hours and going strong. Of course it's all hugely dependent on the maintenance regimen the engine has seen and we have no real way of knowing about that, but the seller's an engineer which is a good sign.
One really good feature about the layout of the Reliance 44 is that it has symmetrical quarter berths which could give the girls each a separate private space. In this instance the seller has cannibalized half the starboard q-berth for a nav station, which we would now have re-cannibalize for a q-berth, but what do you do?
School Planning 5/18
Up next
Science: Read Lessons from Green Thumbs: A Kids Activity Guide to Indoor and Outdoor Gardening. Perform experiment on how plants drink. Color wildflowers from North America. Keep a plant journal.
Composition: WWE: 1 Week 28: Little House on the Prairie Days 1-4. Finish writing new thank you cards.
Spelling: SWB Lesson 28: "Adding Endings". Write out new spelling cards plus bonus words. spelling bee
History: SotWV1, Finish Chapter 28 on the Roman Empire. Chapter 29 the Punic Wars. Textbook, review questions, map work, narration, and copy work.
Grammar: FLL Lessons 92 and 93, introducing sentences.
Math: splashmath, and finish SMPMW1ASE Unit 6 on numbers to 20.
Ancient Literature: The Monkey King
TYCTR: Lessons 4 and 5.
Poem Memorization: Block City by Robert Louis Stephenson
- A
- Math (30 min)
- History (30 min)
- Grammar (15 min)
- L
- reading
- kumon workbooks
- puzzles
- blocks
- art
- A Spelling (20 min)
- A Composition (20 min)
- A Circus Skills on Friday
- A&L Science (45 min)
- Poem practice
- Family Reading
- Audrey read aloud
- Ancient Literature
- A Math (30 min)
- Audrey KinderHeart
- Fabricate on Tuesday
- Poem practice
- Family Reading
- Audrey read aloud
- Ancient Literature
Up next
Science: Read Lessons from Green Thumbs: A Kids Activity Guide to Indoor and Outdoor Gardening. Perform experiment on how plants drink. Color wildflowers from North America. Keep a plant journal.
Composition: WWE: 1 Week 28: Little House on the Prairie Days 1-4. Finish writing new thank you cards.
Spelling: SWB Lesson 28: "Adding Endings". Write out new spelling cards plus bonus words. spelling bee
History: SotWV1, Finish Chapter 28 on the Roman Empire. Chapter 29 the Punic Wars. Textbook, review questions, map work, narration, and copy work.
Grammar: FLL Lessons 92 and 93, introducing sentences.
Math: splashmath, and finish SMPMW1ASE Unit 6 on numbers to 20.
Ancient Literature: The Monkey King
TYCTR: Lessons 4 and 5.
Poem Memorization: Block City by Robert Louis Stephenson
5/27 progress
We made a list of 20 or so items that we're still going to try to get sold before we go and spent the day getting those items cleaned up and photographed to list online. Tomorrow we'll try to complete the book, homeschool, and game boxes. They're all started so shouldn't be too bad to finish up.
I'm starting to look into dinghy-towing the Jeep with the Nissan. It's more complicated than I'd expected. Maybe I'll have to use a dolly trailer instead.
I'm starting to look into dinghy-towing the Jeep with the Nissan. It's more complicated than I'd expected. Maybe I'll have to use a dolly trailer instead.
5/15 prog
We are in the doldrums of boat selection. Packing and ridding are on schedule.
33 days left
33 days left
5/14 school
Ch 28 on Roman builders
94 addition and subtraction facts
Unit 6 Lesson 2
Week 27 Days 1-4 "A Christmas Carol"
big bee
Happy Hollisters
Field trip to the art museum
Ch 28 on Roman builders
94 addition and subtraction facts
Unit 6 Lesson 2
Week 27 Days 1-4 "A Christmas Carol"
big bee
Happy Hollisters
Field trip to the art museum
wrapping it up
![]() |
Lorelei with her swim school pals |
Monday was the girl's last day of swim lessons in Boulder. We have been going to Swim School of Boulder for 2 years now, and it felt a little sad to say goodbye. At the same time, it is a little exciting. We are leaving Colorado in 34 days, we have started our boat buying process, decided we are going to Florida from here...we are moving to the next step, and I can't wait!
I think the swim lessons have really paid off though. Both girls swim very nicely independently! And they both know what to do if they fall off a boat, "roll over and float".
5/12 progress
So it was a great weekend for packing.
April finished her craft and keepsake boxes which were tough, and I'm really proud of her. I did my tools and hardware. We have also gotten started on our school and game boxes.
So what remains for packing at this point is to finish those, do the kitchen and books, and finally to seal them all up and switch to living out of suitcases for our last three weeks starting on 5/25. From there out we'll be entirely focused on unloading.
No news yet on the Brewer 12.8. Tomorrow morning is the deadline.
It was an interesting interview on This American Life with Eric and Charlotte. It left me with more questions unanswered than I had before though:
Why did Eric scuttle the boat? Was he forced to do that or was it his choice?
How did the radio come to life when the ANG plane arrived? Had he managed to get it working again after all? If so, was that before or after igniting the EPIRB?
What about the reports we'd heard that running the engine caused the boat to take on more water? They never mentioned anything about it in this interview.
What did Eric mean about the boom hitting the water when they broached? What else would it do? And how did the boom hitting the water cause the hull-to-deck joint to begin to leak?
How did they conclude that they were still 3 weeks out from the Marquesas? They were already 16 days in to what's normally a 3-week passage.
None of this is supposed to sound like second-guessing, I'm just still not quite getting how it all happened.
Well anyway, I still can't even imagine what they went through or are going through now. I've long admired them and their adventure, and I hope they are all able to recover and find peace over what happened.
April finished her craft and keepsake boxes which were tough, and I'm really proud of her. I did my tools and hardware. We have also gotten started on our school and game boxes.
So what remains for packing at this point is to finish those, do the kitchen and books, and finally to seal them all up and switch to living out of suitcases for our last three weeks starting on 5/25. From there out we'll be entirely focused on unloading.
No news yet on the Brewer 12.8. Tomorrow morning is the deadline.
It was an interesting interview on This American Life with Eric and Charlotte. It left me with more questions unanswered than I had before though:
Why did Eric scuttle the boat? Was he forced to do that or was it his choice?
How did the radio come to life when the ANG plane arrived? Had he managed to get it working again after all? If so, was that before or after igniting the EPIRB?
What about the reports we'd heard that running the engine caused the boat to take on more water? They never mentioned anything about it in this interview.
What did Eric mean about the boom hitting the water when they broached? What else would it do? And how did the boom hitting the water cause the hull-to-deck joint to begin to leak?
How did they conclude that they were still 3 weeks out from the Marquesas? They were already 16 days in to what's normally a 3-week passage.
None of this is supposed to sound like second-guessing, I'm just still not quite getting how it all happened.
Well anyway, I still can't even imagine what they went through or are going through now. I've long admired them and their adventure, and I hope they are all able to recover and find peace over what happened.
5/12 school
- started SotWV1, Ch 28 on the Roman Empire
- answered review questions
- drew a picture illustrating Ceres and a withered tree following Pluto's kidnapping of Proserpine
- reviewed addition facts
- did Unit 6 Exercise 1 in SMPMW1ASE
- FLL Lesson 83
- SWB Lesson 27
- wrote new cards
- read about plant cells and leaf structure
- thank you card to swim teacher Carly
- A read to herself from Moon Lady
- I finished reading Norse myths to the girls
- A read aloud Chapter 9 of Sunset of the Sabertooth
- April read a chapter of the Happy Hollisters to the girls
- swim lesson
- started SotWV1, Ch 28 on the Roman Empire
- answered review questions
- drew a picture illustrating Ceres and a withered tree following Pluto's kidnapping of Proserpine
- reviewed addition facts
- did Unit 6 Exercise 1 in SMPMW1ASE
- FLL Lesson 83
- SWB Lesson 27
- wrote new cards
- read about plant cells and leaf structure
- thank you card to swim teacher Carly
- A read to herself from Moon Lady
- I finished reading Norse myths to the girls
- A read aloud Chapter 9 of Sunset of the Sabertooth
- April read a chapter of the Happy Hollisters to the girls
- swim lesson
School catchup for the week of 5/3/2014
- addition and subtraction facts
- finished Unit 5
- North American wild flowers
- root tube plants
- library books on spring and plants
- Chapter 27 on the Founding of Rome -- Remus and Romulus; the Etruscans and the 7 kings of Rome
- beerific week
- WWE: 1 Week 24, Days 1-4
- abbreviations for months
- titles of respect
- title case
- months poem
- through Lesson 4
- swimming
- Norse myths
- Happy Hollisters
- Sabertooths at Sunset
- Heidi
- lots of poems
- started memorizing "Block City"
- addition and subtraction facts
- finished Unit 5
- North American wild flowers
- root tube plants
- library books on spring and plants
- Chapter 27 on the Founding of Rome -- Remus and Romulus; the Etruscans and the 7 kings of Rome
- beerific week
- WWE: 1 Week 24, Days 1-4
- abbreviations for months
- titles of respect
- title case
- months poem
- through Lesson 4
- swimming
- Norse myths
- Happy Hollisters
- Sabertooths at Sunset
- Heidi
- lots of poems
- started memorizing "Block City"
School Planning 5/11/2014
Up next
Science: Read Lessons from Green Thumbs: A Kids Activity Guide to Indoor and Outdoor Gardening. Perform experiment on how plants drink. Color Wildflowers from North America. Keep a plant journal.
Composition: WWE: 1 Week 27: A Christmas Carol. Days 1-4. Finish writing new thank you cards.
Spelling: SWB Lesson 27. Write out new spelling cards plus bonus words.
History: SotWV1, Chapter 28 the Roman Empire. Text Book, review questions, map work, narration, and copy work.
Grammar: FLL Lessons 83, pronouns and is and are. Lesson 88, writing dates.
Math: splashmath, and begin SMPMW1ASE Unit 6 numbers to 20.
Ancient Literature: Norse Myths
TYCTR: Lessons 4 and 5.
- A
- Math (30 min)
- History (30 min)
- Grammar (15 min)
- L
- reading
- kumon workbooks
- puzzles
- blocks
- art
- A Spelling (20 min)
- A Composition (20 min)
- A&L swimming lessons on Monday
- A Circus Skills on Friday
- A&L Science (45 min)
- Poem practice
- Family Reading
- A Math (30 min)
- Poem practice
- Family Reading
- Audrey read aloud
- Ancient Literature
- Fun story time
Up next
Science: Read Lessons from Green Thumbs: A Kids Activity Guide to Indoor and Outdoor Gardening. Perform experiment on how plants drink. Color Wildflowers from North America. Keep a plant journal.
Composition: WWE: 1 Week 27: A Christmas Carol. Days 1-4. Finish writing new thank you cards.
Spelling: SWB Lesson 27. Write out new spelling cards plus bonus words.
History: SotWV1, Chapter 28 the Roman Empire. Text Book, review questions, map work, narration, and copy work.
Grammar: FLL Lessons 83, pronouns and is and are. Lesson 88, writing dates.
Math: splashmath, and begin SMPMW1ASE Unit 6 numbers to 20.
Ancient Literature: Norse Myths
TYCTR: Lessons 4 and 5.
Under the Bed
The girls both really took to learning Under The Bed by Penny Trzynka. I love the little dance at the end. Audrey started the celebration dance, and then Lorelei wanted to re-record hers so she could dance at the end too.
5/10 progress
I totally forgot to post for the past however many days. Crazy.
We've been working hard on packing, unloading, and, y'know, buying Lark.
We've been working hard on packing, unloading, and, y'know, buying Lark.
5/5 progress
Big progress on packing, selling, donating, and throwing this weekend. Yes we're really moving in 43 days.
Oh, and I think I've had a breakthrough on bandwidth and will actually be able to swing it with only the Verizon Jetpack. Stoked.
Oh, and I think I've had a breakthrough on bandwidth and will actually be able to swing it with only the Verizon Jetpack. Stoked.
5/5 school
- addition and subtraction facts
- SMPMW1ASE Review 2
- began reading Chapter 27 on the Founding of Rome
- answered review questions
- dictation and copywork
- Lesson 3
- WWE: 1 Week 24, Lessons 1, 2
- bee
- reading on wildflowers
- A & L recited "Under the Bed"
- A and Papa alternated reading lines of "Block City"
- A and GrandMiri alternated stanzas of "The Cremation of Sam McGee"
- A read aloud several more
- A read aloud Chapter 6 of Sunset of the Sabertooth
- I read to A&L from D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths
- April read to A&L Chapter 1 of The Happy Hollisters
- addition and subtraction facts
- SMPMW1ASE Review 2
- began reading Chapter 27 on the Founding of Rome
- answered review questions
- dictation and copywork
- Lesson 3
- WWE: 1 Week 24, Lessons 1, 2
- bee
- reading on wildflowers
- A & L recited "Under the Bed"
- A and Papa alternated reading lines of "Block City"
- A and GrandMiri alternated stanzas of "The Cremation of Sam McGee"
- A read aloud several more
- A read aloud Chapter 6 of Sunset of the Sabertooth
- I read to A&L from D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths
- April read to A&L Chapter 1 of The Happy Hollisters
5/2 school
Field trip to a farm
- bees
- planting
- goats
- addition and subtraction facts
- Unit 5 Activity 2
- bees
- planting
- goats
- addition and subtraction facts
- Unit 5 Activity 2
5/2 progress - A Plan!
So here's that scheme I promised: we're going to take a serious shot at three boats we love in Florida (a Reliance 44, a Brewer 12.8, and an Ericson 36) and if one pans out, we'll go live on it. If not we'll plan on Puget Sound through fall and then probably Florida for the winter if we haven't found a boat or needed to change jobs in the meantime.
Here are the numbers for these vessels:
The Brewer is the most liveable, and a capable passage maker. By its numbers, the Reliance is the best passage maker of all the boats we've considered, and by a long shot. The Ericson is a respectable little boat, feels about half as capable and liveable, but also costs about half what the others do, which is a big point in its favor.
Aside from working and own-schooling full-time, we are pushing on 6 fronts of this project now:
- buying a boat
- finding a place to live for a couple months in Florida should we succeed
- finding a place to live for a few months on Puget Sound otherwise
- bandwidth
- figuring out what we'll keep and fitting into our 12 27-gallon bins
- getting rid of the rest by selling, donating, and dumping.
I do believe that this is the busiest we'll ever be. I hope so anyway.
Hotspur has made landfall in Hiva Oa, while Fluenta is should be crossing the equator soon.
Here are the numbers for these vessels:
Brewer 12.8 | Reliance 44 | Ericson 36c | |
LWL | 33.75 | 31.42 | 30 |
LOA | 42 | 44.33 | 36 |
Beam | 13.5 | 11.67 | 12 |
Draft | 4.5 | 6.16 | 5.5 |
Disp (lbs) | 23850 | 28,000 | 17,200 |
Ballast | 11000 | 11,200 | 5,800 |
SA | 887 | 905 | 557 |
LWL/Bm | 2.50 | 2.69 | 2.50 |
D/L ratio | 276.96 | 402.99 | 284.39 |
SA/D ratio | 17.09 | 15.67 | 13.35 |
Bal/D | 46.12 | 40.00 | 33.72 |
Capsize screening | 1.88 | 1.54 | 1.86 |
Comfort ratio | 31.54 | 46.15 | 30.31 |
Hull speed | 7.78 | 7.51 | 7.34 |
The Brewer is the most liveable, and a capable passage maker. By its numbers, the Reliance is the best passage maker of all the boats we've considered, and by a long shot. The Ericson is a respectable little boat, feels about half as capable and liveable, but also costs about half what the others do, which is a big point in its favor.
Aside from working and own-schooling full-time, we are pushing on 6 fronts of this project now:
- buying a boat
- finding a place to live for a couple months in Florida should we succeed
- finding a place to live for a few months on Puget Sound otherwise
- bandwidth
- figuring out what we'll keep and fitting into our 12 27-gallon bins
- getting rid of the rest by selling, donating, and dumping.
I do believe that this is the busiest we'll ever be. I hope so anyway.
Hotspur has made landfall in Hiva Oa, while Fluenta is should be crossing the equator soon.
5/1 school
A & L have been catching up on sleep the last couple mornings and so we have been light on our morning subjects.
A and I did do a lesson out of Unit 5 in her math book and work on some subtraction and addition facts this morning, and this evening Audrey read a chapter of Jack and Annie, I read to the girls from Norse myths, and we read some poems from the Kennedy book.
A and I did do a lesson out of Unit 5 in her math book and work on some subtraction and addition facts this morning, and this evening Audrey read a chapter of Jack and Annie, I read to the girls from Norse myths, and we read some poems from the Kennedy book.
5/1 progess
So we've been struggling mightily to nail down where to go. Of all the candidates we started with several months back we're now down to Puget Sound and southeast Florida. We put together pros and cons for each:
- Closer to J's parents and good advice on boat stuff
- Close to cruising grounds
- Nice live aboard winter weather
- Tons of boats
- No income tax
- Good cost-of-living
- Very hot and humid
- Boats are more beaten up
- Not excellent job market
- Hurricanes
- Possible bad cultural fit
- Work 10-7
- Work 7-4
- Lots of boats
- Always wanted to spend time there
- Great job market
- Love the Pacific Northwest
- Would see less of J's parents
- Long voyage to just get to cruising grounds
- Cold winters for living aboard
- More expensive rent
We've hatched a scheme to reach a decision. Stay tuned.
- Closer to J's parents and good advice on boat stuff
- Close to cruising grounds
- Nice live aboard winter weather
- Tons of boats
- No income tax
- Good cost-of-living
- Very hot and humid
- Boats are more beaten up
- Not excellent job market
- Hurricanes
- Possible bad cultural fit
- Work 10-7
- Work 7-4
- Lots of boats
- Always wanted to spend time there
- Great job market
- Love the Pacific Northwest
- Would see less of J's parents
- Long voyage to just get to cruising grounds
- Cold winters for living aboard
- More expensive rent
We've hatched a scheme to reach a decision. Stay tuned.
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