We'll Rest When We're Dead!

Or maybe just after we finish this move.

What a weekend! My wonderful aunt, uncle and cousins had the girls over to spend the night, and Jacob and I worked, worked, worked. We had a pretty successful moving sale, although we still have a few things left to sell/give before we move. We also packed our asses off. Tackling Audrey's room was a super huge challenge. I think we hauled two giant trash bags out. Jacob wanted to report her to the T.V. show Hoarders. She loves price tags, twist ties, buttons, ribbon scraps, you name it and she saves it! I know where she gets it from! I have been working for 37 years to be able to throw things away.

The good news, I think we will be ready to move next Saturday!

Some recent pics:
Audrey listening to audio books while she works on writing letters

Lorelei smelling the flowers