Sunscreen Allergy

having a reaction to sunscreen last summer
I think I have finally figured it out! We have been struggling with putting sunscreen on Lorelei since she was born. Her eyes would swell, she would get hives and a runny nose. At first I tried everything that said 'hypoallergenic' or for 'sensitive skin' that you could buy at Target, with no luck. She was still having a terrible reaction. Then last year I tried shopping at natural markets (mostly Vitamin Cottage) and bought natural sunscreens...although some still with fragrance. Again, we still had problems. That was the point when panic started to set in. After all, we have big plans to spend lots of time outdoors in warm and tropical places. I spoke with my pediatrician who recommended large hats and long sleeve swim suits, which I felt was a good start, but I still don't see how our plan works if I can't put sunscreen on my very fair skinned child!  At last this year, I bought completely natural sunscreens, no fragrances, no chemicals, NOTHING!! They are comprised of Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide. It works! It leaves her looking a little pasty and white all day, but it works, and pasty and white is better then swollen and hivey. My favorite of the ones I have tried on Lorelei with success is by Goddess Garden and called Sunny Face. I will definitely have to stock up on this before we travel abroad. I have a feeling it is not very easy to find a Vitamin Cottage in Hiva Oa.

Totem made an interesting blog post recently on how they battle the sun while cruising. Behan shared her family history with skin cancer and how it has made them more vigilant in the sun, which I related too. My grandmother also suffered with skin cancer in her old age. I watched the horrific treatment of her having the skin on her face pealed off...and even after that, it kept coming back. It is a fate I hope my girls never experience, so we too will be pasty white cruisers.

In other news, Grampsy was in town for Memorial Day weekend and helped us celebrate Audrey's graduation from pre-school. It was great to have him, and nice not to put him to work the second he got here! We just played the whole time. We swam outdoors twice, went to the carnival and ate out WAY too much.

Here are some recent pictures:
Audrey with her graduating class

like Grampsy like Lolo

Lorelei's 1st carousel ride
carnival rides