T + 36 hours

So we have survived about 36 hours as a family of 4 with a big dog on 36 feet, with our sanity intact and showing signs of improvement.  We have a million things to do but we're focused for the moment on just learning how to live together in this space.  Both cars are stuffed to the gills and our storage locker is full.  This from the family who has cut 90% by volume 3 or 4 times in the past 2 years. 

Sweet Pea is the least amused of us all.  She doesn't care for the companionway or boarding.  I think her hips are bothering her.  We don't have any very good ideas for how to make this work for her at the moment, but we are going to give ourselves some time to figure it out.

The engine mount fix appears to have worked.  $2800 and 2 weeks after pulling it out, the Perkins is reinstalled and fully reconnected and everything appears to run much more smoothly.  Time and use will tell if the fix was sufficient for the long term.
Our new waterfront view.