Road Trip! Day 3 - Missouri to Mississippi

We left Bolivar Missouri at 10:30 this morning. A little better then the last 2 days, but still not the early start we have hoped for. The girls have not been napping in the car at all and getting to bed late every night, so it is really hard to wake them when they look so cozy.

We saw two horse drawn carriages on the highway today near Mansfield. It looked like they were being driven by amish men. They crossed right in front of a truck going at least 50 mph. It was all very exciting!

The girls were starting to go nuts in the backseat right before we pulled into Rocky Ridge Farm. Perfect timing for them to run around Laura and Almanzo's farm a bit. The stop was all we had hoped for. It was really cool to see all of the details from the Rose books in real life. Laura's wood burning stove was way bigger then I had imagined it. We learned that Laura was only 4'11", her clothes looked like they were little girl sized.

In front of Laura and Almanzo's house
part of Rocky Ridge Farm
The little section was the original house before they built onto it.. 

We stopped for Jonesboro's best BBQ for dinner. It was yummy, but Jacob and I both preferred the Smokehouse in Nederland. The meat was really good, but all of the sides seem to be out of a bag.
The road from Mansfield was very pretty, and framed with green walls and lots of flowers. 
After a very brief trip through Tennessee (we just grazed the corner), we pulled into Horn Lake Mississippi at 9:30p to sleep. We are going to try to get up a little earlier tomorrow morning.