4/12 progress

We had a great productive day.

The girls and I returned the chintzy plastic bins I'd gotten at Walmart, then went over to Costco and got some much better, tougher, rain-proof ones.   I  only got 12 but they're twice the size of the others,  so it's kind of like having 24 instead of 15.  Not that we really want to bring more stuff, but I'm thinking just little extra space to fudge is probably a good idea.

We went to Office Depot next and shredded 20 pounds of old statements and junk and dropped off some important docs we've been hauling around forever to be scanned.

Next we went to Mike's camera and dropped off something like 1000 old photos to be digitized.  It's going to 10 cents per shot which is actually pretty great compared to the prices I'd seen online.

This afternoon I hauled our 7-year-old queen-size mattress, box spring and bed frame down to the dumpster.  We're on the air mattress now, with apple boxes for bed-side tables.  It's all very classy.

I can't express how great it feels to be ditching all this stuff!