Lots of balls in the air

Wow, we're kind of overdue for a post, aren't we?

Though it's been quiet here on the main blog page, more for lack of time than for lack of news, we are making daily updates to our school and progress journals, and plowing ahead with the project to take our little family to sea and escape the Empire.

We are moving in 17 days and closing in 20.

I finished TSOS and have returned to BOS. That was great book and so is this one. 

We are cruising with Lorelei and Audrey's schoolwork.  Lorelei is intermittently working on TYCTR as she requests. We are 3 chapters from finishing the Iliad with Audrey and will pick up the Odyssey next week.  She finished her kindergarten handwriting curriculum and we've just received her first grade curriculum.  She's 2 weeks from completing her first of 2 spelling workbooks for the first grade, and we'll wrap up her Singapore Math kindergarten curriculum by Thanksgiving, so we'll also be diving into the next set of curricula for each of those.  She's also been studying a new family of animals each week; learning about the first farmers in the Fertile Crescent and about ancient Egypt;  doing lots of copywork and narration in her composition curriculum; and learning about nouns, common and proper, in excruciating detail.  Pronouns won't be until lesson 48, if you can believe that.  Wax on, wax off.

The wilderness first aid project is on hold until we can get moved and settled.

Other projects in flight but mostly on hold include figuring where to go find a boat in spring, getting passports current again, and gathering lots of evidence of work history in support of work visas at various stages in our journey.