
We're getting kind of excited about homeschooling.  My research on the Robinson and A-2 curricula led me to The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home.  There's something incredibly appealing to me about starting out with the trivium -- writing daily, reading great literature and approaching math from addition and multiplication tables.  It just makes sense to me.  And I love the way that the classical education builds from the trivium into history, logic, rhetoric, Latin, and sciences.  I wish I'd had access to logic and rhetoric in school!

But how in the world does this fit in with unschooling?  I'm not sure but it seems to me that being well-read, articulate, and well-rounded provides the child an awesome toolset to power their interest- and joy-led exploration.  Obviously it would be counter-productive to drag a child through material that makes them miserable, and I think unschoolers make great points about that. 

So anyway, I don't know, I'm thinking 3 or 4 hours a day of classical education with lots of time and support for interest-led stuff.  Put all that on boat sailing slowly around the world and I think we've got something incredible in the making.