I Think I Can, I Think I Can

What have we gotten ourselves into?! If we weren't already so invested in all of this, today would have sent me running for the hills. It started with waking up feeling sick, I think what Jacob had last week has gotten me. Then the painters painted over Lorelei's mural, and I had a total sobbing break-down in front of everyone (I'm a pretty sentimental person), and because the girls rooms were being painted today we had to skip nap time. That led straight into a trip to Home Depot with two exhausted girls that melted down in the aisle over some spilled raisins. I had lots of stares (and a few truly sympathetic looks) as my 5 year old threw herself on the floor in front of the bathroom fixtures. Then at Cost Plus Audrey accidentally pushed the emergency exit door and the alarms went off, calling every employee plus a few customers to see what was going on.

To top it all off we only have 2 episodes left to watch in the TV series The Tudors and we haven't been able to watch for a week because we are so busy cleaning and staging. I'm going to try for a little positive thinking straight out of The Little Engine that Could...I think I can, I think I can...

we did have a little fun this week. The girls and I went to Yoga at Shoshoni Yoga Retreat

and music class