Miss Unicornia Fancy Pants

I was reading an old article on SAILfeed about naming your boat, and it started a big discussion between me and Jacob. It felt just like we were pregnant again, and trying to name our new little girl before she got here. We did a lot of throwing out names and either vetoing them immediately or putting them on a favorites list. I think we must have each suggested more then 50 names. We realized that we like names in Spanish (everything is just a little prettier in Spanish), or that are a little fantastical or whimsical or silly (in honor of our silly, fantasical and whimsical little girls that will be living aboard with us), or we like the little girl names we had for our babies that didn't quite make it, but still hold a special place. 

Here is our short list:
Fancy Pants

Who knows with us though...we are always changing our minds :). Which is your favorite? Any other ideas that fit with our likes, and the rules of naming a boat?

Isn't this one pretty? I think she looks like a Lark