- SMPMW1ASE pp. 41-49 (Unit 3, Ex. 9; Unit 4, Ex. 1-3)
- splashmath
- Moominland Midwinter Chapter 1
- D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths
- A read aloud Ch 9 from Afternoon on the Amazon
3/27 progress
So the work situation is solved for the foreseeable future. Hurray! That's a big load off.
We're in such a bizarre state of limbo now. With 82 days left on our lease, not only do we not know where we'll live next, we don't even know which coast we'll live on. I'm not complaining, but it's really very strange. It's definitely much less stressful having the job situation resolved for now, though.
We're very seriously considering a salty little cutter. Very salty. And little. And we could plausibly be feeding the swimming pigs in months, not years.
We're in such a bizarre state of limbo now. With 82 days left on our lease, not only do we not know where we'll live next, we don't even know which coast we'll live on. I'm not complaining, but it's really very strange. It's definitely much less stressful having the job situation resolved for now, though.
We're very seriously considering a salty little cutter. Very salty. And little. And we could plausibly be feeding the swimming pigs in months, not years.
3/26 schoolwork
Bee with Audrey, she collected 31 words
Week 19, days 3 and 4, The Light Princess
Splash Math
cooking lesson with lots of measuring, adding, counting by twos
played her writing game with Daddy
Audrey read herself Rhyming Rapunzel, and the season book, and The Sleeping Book by Dr. Seuss for fun reading.
Chinese Folk Tales
Rose book
Audrey read aloud Chapter 7 from Afternoon in the Amazon
Bee with Audrey, she collected 31 words
Week 19, days 3 and 4, The Light Princess
Splash Math
cooking lesson with lots of measuring, adding, counting by twos
played her writing game with Daddy
Audrey read herself Rhyming Rapunzel, and the season book, and The Sleeping Book by Dr. Seuss for fun reading.
Chinese Folk Tales
Rose book
Audrey read aloud Chapter 7 from Afternoon in the Amazon
3/26 progress
We continue to struggle with deciding between buying a small boat that we can afford to pay for immediately or a larger one that we'll have to pay for over the course of a year or so. Many thoughts on this which I'll explore in depth in an upcoming post. But right now it's 11:15, so 'night.
Should have some important new information this time tomorrow. Maybe.
83 days left...
Should have some important new information this time tomorrow. Maybe.
83 days left...
3/25 schoolwork
- Reviewed addition facts with A
- New writing game on the iPad with L
- Read L Robert Louis Stevenson
- A read aloud Ch 6 from Afternoon on the Amazon
- Read aloud to A&L the second to the last of story in Cloud Weavers: Ancient Chinese Legends
- Finished Little Town in the Ozarks
- Reviewed addition facts with A
- New writing game on the iPad with L
- Read L Robert Louis Stevenson
- A read aloud Ch 6 from Afternoon on the Amazon
- Read aloud to A&L the second to the last of story in Cloud Weavers: Ancient Chinese Legends
- Finished Little Town in the Ozarks
3/24 school work
- Read the first section of Chapter 21 of SotWV1 on the Medes and Persians to A
- A answered review questions
- A gave dictation on this section and copied her dictation from the last section
- Reviewed addition facts
- Unit 4 Section 1 from SMPMW1ASE
- Read 6 pp in DK First Animal Encyclopedia fish
- Dictation and copywork
- WWE: 1 Week 19 Days 1, 2
- Reviewed 60 spelling words
- Read the first section of Chapter 21 of SotWV1 on the Medes and Persians to A
- A answered review questions
- A gave dictation on this section and copied her dictation from the last section
- Reviewed addition facts
- Unit 4 Section 1 from SMPMW1ASE
- Read 6 pp in DK First Animal Encyclopedia fish
- Dictation and copywork
- WWE: 1 Week 19 Days 1, 2
- Reviewed 60 spelling words
3/23 progress
We're thinking of 6 possibilities at the moment:
- Kim's Passport
- the Tanton
- the Westerly
- NJ Passport
- the bunk-bed class C 28 (could be a good way to look at a lot of boats if one of these boats doesn't work out before 6/18)
- none of the above
And we're resurrecting the Todo tab.
We called Mexico about the Westerly today and left a message.
I've been corresponding with a surveyor who may look at the Tanton for us.
We set up an appointment for tomorrow to discuss her Passport with Kim.
We need to get a written slip rent quote and send it along with our insurance quote to Essex. Hopefully we get that sent off tomorrow.
We'll get some more information this week on the work situation.
86 days left.
- Kim's Passport
- the Tanton
- the Westerly
- NJ Passport
- the bunk-bed class C 28 (could be a good way to look at a lot of boats if one of these boats doesn't work out before 6/18)
- none of the above
And we're resurrecting the Todo tab.
We called Mexico about the Westerly today and left a message.
I've been corresponding with a surveyor who may look at the Tanton for us.
We set up an appointment for tomorrow to discuss her Passport with Kim.
We need to get a written slip rent quote and send it along with our insurance quote to Essex. Hopefully we get that sent off tomorrow.
We'll get some more information this week on the work situation.
86 days left.
3/23 School Planning
Up next
Science: Read about fish this week in DK First Animal Encyclopedia (pp 142-153). Narration, copy work, and art.
Composition: WWE: 1 Week 19: days 2 and 4 about "The Light Princess." More thank you cards.
Spelling: Catching up on cards .
History: SotWV1, Chapter 21 on the Medes and Persians . Text Book, review questions, map work, narration, and copy work.
Grammar: FLL Lessons 69 and 72 both on personal pronouns.
Math: Number Bond Game, splashmath, and begin SMPMW1ASE Unit 4 on subtraction.
Ancient Literature: Cloud Weaver: Ancient Chinese Legends
- A
- Math (30 min)
- History (30 min)
- Grammar (15 min)
- L
- reading
- kumon workbooks
- puzzles
- blocks
- art
- A Spelling (20 min)
- A Composition (20 min)
- A&L swimming lessons on Monday
- A&L watch a play on Wednesday: "Snow White and the Dwarves of Dweedlebury"
- A&L Science (45 min)
- Poem practice
- Family Reading
- A Math (30 min)
- Poem practice
- Family Reading
- Audrey read aloud
- Ancient Literature
- Fun story time
Up next
Science: Read about fish this week in DK First Animal Encyclopedia (pp 142-153). Narration, copy work, and art.
Composition: WWE: 1 Week 19: days 2 and 4 about "The Light Princess." More thank you cards.
Spelling: Catching up on cards .
History: SotWV1, Chapter 21 on the Medes and Persians . Text Book, review questions, map work, narration, and copy work.
Grammar: FLL Lessons 69 and 72 both on personal pronouns.
Math: Number Bond Game, splashmath, and begin SMPMW1ASE Unit 4 on subtraction.
Ancient Literature: Cloud Weaver: Ancient Chinese Legends
Southern Cross 39
- Bob Perry weighs in
- chatter
owners association
| Southern Cross 39 |
LWL | 31 |
LOA | 39 |
Beam | 12.08 |
Draft | 5.3 |
Disp (lbs) | 21000 |
Ballast | 7676 |
SA | 774 |
LWL/Bm | 2.57 |
D/L ratio | 314.69 |
SA/D ratio | 16.24 |
Bal/D | 36.55 |
Capsize screening | 1.75 |
Comfort ratio | 34.93 |
Hull speed | 7.46 |
- Bob Perry weighs in
- chatter
owners association
Tanton 43
Tanton 43
- Tanton 43 freedom cat ketch-any tips?
- tanton 43 cat ketch & old carbon unstayed mast
- Reunited with my old sweetheart
- Avelinda blog
- Tanton 43: A Ketch of a Different Cult
- sailboatdata
Tanton 43 | |
LWL | 37.58 |
LOA | 43.92 |
Beam | 13.1 |
Draft | 4.83 |
Disp (lbs) | 23,000 |
Ballast | 9,267 |
SA | 749 |
LWL/Bm | 2.87 |
D/L ratio | 193.47 |
SA/D ratio | 14.79 |
Bal/D | 40.29 |
Capsize screening | 1.85 |
Comfort ratio | 29.05 |
Hull speed | 8.21 |
3/22 progress
OK, well insurance is looking good, liveaboard slip rent is looking good, NADA valuation is ruled irrelevant. This is going astonishingly smoothly so far. So how is Knoxville in June?
3/22 schoolwork
- Read the last section of Chapter 26 of SotWV1 on ancient Americans to A&L
- A answered review questions
- A gave dictation and copied on this section and copied her dictation from the last section
- splashmath
- WWE: 1 Week 18
- Read about flightless birds in DK First Animal Encyclopedia
- dictation and copywork on ostriches
- Read the last section of Chapter 26 of SotWV1 on ancient Americans to A&L
- A answered review questions
- A gave dictation and copied on this section and copied her dictation from the last section
- splashmath
- WWE: 1 Week 18
- Read about flightless birds in DK First Animal Encyclopedia
- dictation and copywork on ostriches
3/20 progress
We had a great plotting session this evening.
We nailed down our packing strategy: 15 boxes. We were honestly hoping for a bit less, but we'll get there.
Next steps on the Tanton are insurance, slip rent, and NADA valuation. Are we really trying to buy it? Dunno. We really like it, and this is a worthwhile exercise to learn how this process works. If it all falls into place, I think it could be a great boat for us.
It's time to get serious about the work situation. So yeah, that's up next.
We nailed down our packing strategy: 15 boxes. We were honestly hoping for a bit less, but we'll get there.
Next steps on the Tanton are insurance, slip rent, and NADA valuation. Are we really trying to buy it? Dunno. We really like it, and this is a worthwhile exercise to learn how this process works. If it all falls into place, I think it could be a great boat for us.
It's time to get serious about the work situation. So yeah, that's up next.
3/20 schoolwork
- reviewed addition facts through 10
- splashmath
Read L:
- Bear's New Friend
- Rocky Mountain Railroad
- reviewed addition facts through 10
- splashmath
Read L:
- Bear's New Friend
- Rocky Mountain Railroad
3/19 progress
We made some minute progress today on trying to figure out the logistics of buying old boats.
91 days.
91 days.
A Day In The Life
I recently read a day-in-the-life post by Susan Wise Bauer, who is the woman who wrote the book that we base our own-school approach on (The Well-Trained Mind), and I thought it might be fun to do. I think it will be interesting to look back at how our approach changes over time. Will we be doing the same things with Lorelei at 5 and 6 that we did with Audrey? If we deviate will it be because of the experience we have acquired with Audrey as our guinea pig, or because of our quickly changing life circumstance?
Here it is, a typical Monday with our family. Jacob normally gets up a little earlier and gets started. I will jump in on the day's events when I get my lazy butt up at 7:30a.
Cue Jacob:
Well, I normally do, it's true, but wouldn't you know that the day selected for our day-in-the-life post is a day I was sick and missed our usual stuff. Well anyway, here's what we would normally do:
Alarm at 6:00. Stumbling around in the dark.
6:15a Coffee and clothes on. Tea brewing for the girls.
6:20a I sneak in to grab Audrey out of the top bunk.
6:30a Audrey and I spend 30 minutes on math. We're working on Singapore 1A.
7:00a We spend 15 mins on grammar with First Language Lessons.
7:15a We a read a section of history from The Story of The World Vol. 1, answer review questions, Audrey dictates 3 sentences to me of what we read, which I write down and she copies.
7:45 While Audrey copies, I go and grab Lo for 15 minutes of schoolwork of her choice: either reading her a story, or working on a Kumon exercise book.
And I'm out for work. Cue April:
7:30a I wake up early enough to have a few minutes to myself before everyone else needs me. I take a shower, brush my teeth and make myself a coffee
7:55a Audrey (age 6) and Lorelei (age) 3 are hungry! I relieve Jacob just a couple of minutes before he has to get to work (right now he telecommutes on Mondays so he just heads to his desk, currently set up in the garage). Today I made oatmeal, with cranberries and walnuts, cinnamon and vanilla.
8:05a We sit at the table and pull out our composition book, Writing with Ease: The Complete Writer. I decide to start with day 2 because it is a story passage, which both girls enjoy while I have both of their attention. I read the passage from The Reluctant Dragon and ask the review questions. Audrey gets them, but has to be reminded several times to tell her answer as a complete sentence. Then Audrey writes down one thing she finds interesting about it.
8:20a Audrey liked "The Reluctant Dragon" so much that she asked to do the other passage in Week 17 too. After we read it, and do the review questions she writes another sentence about the passage.
8:40a We just happen to be having an amazing morning. Lorelei is completely interested in school and Audrey isn't getting distracted. I decide to press my luck and get out our current science book, the DK First Animal Encyclopedia. I read them the pages on penguins and we discuss the pictures. I ask Lorelei for one thing she thought was interesting from the book, and she immediately loses interests and takes off. I ask Audrey the same question and she writes down her answer on her writing paper.
9:10a I realize that we have to leave for swimming lessons in 20 minutes and nobody is dressed. I run to find outfits, bathing suits and towels for the girls. I throw the bathing suits on the couch and ask them to put them on, while I go and get dressed.
9:20a I come back to the living room to find Lorelei completely tangled in her bathing suit. I take it off her and start over. Audrey has forgotten that she was supposed to put clothes on over the bathing suit and started finger knitting instead. "Audrey, please put clothes on"…"but Mom, I just want to finish this." "We will be late for lessons if you finish that now, maybe you can work on it during quiet time." Very huffily, "fine!" She resumes getting dressed.
9:30a Finally everyone is dressed with coats, socks and shoes on, we are standing on the top of the stairs, when I realize I forgot to pack a snack or water bottles. I run back to the kitchen, find the easiest bottles to assemble and throw a sleeve of graham crackers in my bag.
9:35a In the car, and only 5 minutes late.
2p After swim lessons for both girls, lunch out (we had sushi, our favorite!) and a short park date with friends, we are back home. I set up Audrey at the dining room table with her spelling review lesson and ask her to get started while I put Lorelei down for a nap. At this point it is hit or miss on whether she will actually rest, but we have quite time nonetheless.
2:15p I join Audrey at the table as she is finishing up the lesson. We look over the whole thing together and make proof reading marks for her to fix her mistakes.
2:35p Audrey and I set up a tray for quiet time together. I ask if she would rather work on her handwriting workbook or composition days 1 and 3, which are copy work from "The Reluctant Dragon." She chooses the copy work. We add the rest of her thank you cards from her birthday to finish. She painted water colors, dictated what she wanted to write to me, then copied it back onto the back of the paintings. We also added her science paper so that she could add a drawing to accompany it and I gave her the choice of bringing markers, crayons or colored pencils. She chose markers. We carry the tray to my bed, where she likes to work, and I turn on the audio book of "The Reluctant Dragon" for her to listen to while she works.
3:30p Audrey is done with the tray and the audio book. She picked out two books to read for free reading time. She complains a little and would rather get straight to embroidering or playing on the iPad.
4p I bring her her embroidery supplies and turn on some music for her, while I go back to researching how to finance a boat and if we can really do an estate sale.
4:30p I realize that Audrey and I have to leave for our Girls' Leadership class in 15 minutes. I bring her a change of clothes (she always strips down the second we get home and puts on her pajamas…like mother, like daughter). We each grab an apple and run for the car.
7:30p After an hour-long class and dinner out, we get home too late for stories. Bummer! Normally Audrey reads a chapter of her current book to us (usually a Magic Treehouse book), then Jacob reads a chapter of the ancient literature we are studying (currently Cloud Weavers: Ancient Chinese Legends), and then we read a fun chapter book (currently Little Town in the Ozarks)
7:45p Bedtime!
Here it is, a typical Monday with our family. Jacob normally gets up a little earlier and gets started. I will jump in on the day's events when I get my lazy butt up at 7:30a.
Cue Jacob:
Well, I normally do, it's true, but wouldn't you know that the day selected for our day-in-the-life post is a day I was sick and missed our usual stuff. Well anyway, here's what we would normally do:
Alarm at 6:00. Stumbling around in the dark.
6:15a Coffee and clothes on. Tea brewing for the girls.
6:20a I sneak in to grab Audrey out of the top bunk.
6:30a Audrey and I spend 30 minutes on math. We're working on Singapore 1A.
7:00a We spend 15 mins on grammar with First Language Lessons.
7:15a We a read a section of history from The Story of The World Vol. 1, answer review questions, Audrey dictates 3 sentences to me of what we read, which I write down and she copies.
7:45 While Audrey copies, I go and grab Lo for 15 minutes of schoolwork of her choice: either reading her a story, or working on a Kumon exercise book.
And I'm out for work. Cue April:
7:30a I wake up early enough to have a few minutes to myself before everyone else needs me. I take a shower, brush my teeth and make myself a coffee
7:55a Audrey (age 6) and Lorelei (age) 3 are hungry! I relieve Jacob just a couple of minutes before he has to get to work (right now he telecommutes on Mondays so he just heads to his desk, currently set up in the garage). Today I made oatmeal, with cranberries and walnuts, cinnamon and vanilla.
8:05a We sit at the table and pull out our composition book, Writing with Ease: The Complete Writer. I decide to start with day 2 because it is a story passage, which both girls enjoy while I have both of their attention. I read the passage from The Reluctant Dragon and ask the review questions. Audrey gets them, but has to be reminded several times to tell her answer as a complete sentence. Then Audrey writes down one thing she finds interesting about it.
8:20a Audrey liked "The Reluctant Dragon" so much that she asked to do the other passage in Week 17 too. After we read it, and do the review questions she writes another sentence about the passage.
8:40a We just happen to be having an amazing morning. Lorelei is completely interested in school and Audrey isn't getting distracted. I decide to press my luck and get out our current science book, the DK First Animal Encyclopedia. I read them the pages on penguins and we discuss the pictures. I ask Lorelei for one thing she thought was interesting from the book, and she immediately loses interests and takes off. I ask Audrey the same question and she writes down her answer on her writing paper.
9:10a I realize that we have to leave for swimming lessons in 20 minutes and nobody is dressed. I run to find outfits, bathing suits and towels for the girls. I throw the bathing suits on the couch and ask them to put them on, while I go and get dressed.
9:20a I come back to the living room to find Lorelei completely tangled in her bathing suit. I take it off her and start over. Audrey has forgotten that she was supposed to put clothes on over the bathing suit and started finger knitting instead. "Audrey, please put clothes on"…"but Mom, I just want to finish this." "We will be late for lessons if you finish that now, maybe you can work on it during quiet time." Very huffily, "fine!" She resumes getting dressed.
9:30a Finally everyone is dressed with coats, socks and shoes on, we are standing on the top of the stairs, when I realize I forgot to pack a snack or water bottles. I run back to the kitchen, find the easiest bottles to assemble and throw a sleeve of graham crackers in my bag.
9:35a In the car, and only 5 minutes late.
2p After swim lessons for both girls, lunch out (we had sushi, our favorite!) and a short park date with friends, we are back home. I set up Audrey at the dining room table with her spelling review lesson and ask her to get started while I put Lorelei down for a nap. At this point it is hit or miss on whether she will actually rest, but we have quite time nonetheless.
2:15p I join Audrey at the table as she is finishing up the lesson. We look over the whole thing together and make proof reading marks for her to fix her mistakes.
2:35p Audrey and I set up a tray for quiet time together. I ask if she would rather work on her handwriting workbook or composition days 1 and 3, which are copy work from "The Reluctant Dragon." She chooses the copy work. We add the rest of her thank you cards from her birthday to finish. She painted water colors, dictated what she wanted to write to me, then copied it back onto the back of the paintings. We also added her science paper so that she could add a drawing to accompany it and I gave her the choice of bringing markers, crayons or colored pencils. She chose markers. We carry the tray to my bed, where she likes to work, and I turn on the audio book of "The Reluctant Dragon" for her to listen to while she works.
3:30p Audrey is done with the tray and the audio book. She picked out two books to read for free reading time. She complains a little and would rather get straight to embroidering or playing on the iPad.
4p I bring her her embroidery supplies and turn on some music for her, while I go back to researching how to finance a boat and if we can really do an estate sale.
4:30p I realize that Audrey and I have to leave for our Girls' Leadership class in 15 minutes. I bring her a change of clothes (she always strips down the second we get home and puts on her pajamas…like mother, like daughter). We each grab an apple and run for the car.
7:30p After an hour-long class and dinner out, we get home too late for stories. Bummer! Normally Audrey reads a chapter of her current book to us (usually a Magic Treehouse book), then Jacob reads a chapter of the ancient literature we are studying (currently Cloud Weavers: Ancient Chinese Legends), and then we read a fun chapter book (currently Little Town in the Ozarks)
7:45p Bedtime!
Audrey practicing her roll-over breaths
Lorelei turning around to swim to the wall
![]() |
sweet sisters waiting for class to start |
3/17 school work
This was Audrey's due date 6 years ago.
- WWE: 1 Week 17 days 1-4 (days 2 and 4 with both girls), finished thank you cards
- Read about penguins in DK First Animal Encyclopedia with A&L
- A wrote down an interesting fact from the reading, proof read it, and fixed errors.
- A drew a picture of a penguin chick.
- MCPB Lesson 24
- Audrey read a chapter from Meet Caroline
- Listened to The Reluctant Dragon
- A&L swimming lessons
-A worked on her embroidery
Girls leadership class with mom
- WWE: 1 Week 17 days 1-4 (days 2 and 4 with both girls), finished thank you cards
- Read about penguins in DK First Animal Encyclopedia with A&L
- A wrote down an interesting fact from the reading, proof read it, and fixed errors.
- A drew a picture of a penguin chick.
- MCPB Lesson 24
- Audrey read a chapter from Meet Caroline
- Listened to The Reluctant Dragon
- A&L swimming lessons
-A worked on her embroidery
Girls leadership class with mom
3/16 progress
We've been rereading TSOS and starting to talk to various sellers. Could we really be buying a boat in a matter of weeks? Who knows?
94 days.
94 days.
3/16 Homeschool Planning
We are going to try out a pattern homeschool approach this week and see if it is a little more low maintenance.
Up next
Science: Penguins this week. We will read about them in DK First Animal Encyclopedia and also in relation to other flightless birds. Narration and copy work.
Composition: WWE: 1 Week 17: days 2 and 4 about The Reluctant Dragon. Also, finish writing thank you cards.
Spelling: MCPB Lesson 24 (the review lesson) in Spelling Workout B, plus spelling bees.
History: Two more sections on ancient Americans in SotWV1, then back to the Medes and Persians. Text Book, review questions, map work, narration, and copy work.
Grammar: FLL Lessons 69 and 72 both on personal pronouns.
Math: Number Bond Game, review addition facts from SMPMW1ASE Unit 3 and and begin Unit 4 on subtraction.
Ancient Literature: Cloud Weaver: Ancient Chinese Legends
- A Math (30 min)
- A History (30 min)
- A Grammar (15 min)
- L Reading/Tracing/Cutting (15 min)
- A Spelling (20 min)
- A Composition(20 min)
- A&L Science (45 min)
- Poem practice
- Family Reading
- A Math (30 min)
- Poem practice
- Family Reading
- Ancient Literature
- Audrey read aloud
- Fun story time
Up next
Science: Penguins this week. We will read about them in DK First Animal Encyclopedia and also in relation to other flightless birds. Narration and copy work.
Composition: WWE: 1 Week 17: days 2 and 4 about The Reluctant Dragon. Also, finish writing thank you cards.
Spelling: MCPB Lesson 24 (the review lesson) in Spelling Workout B, plus spelling bees.
History: Two more sections on ancient Americans in SotWV1, then back to the Medes and Persians. Text Book, review questions, map work, narration, and copy work.
Grammar: FLL Lessons 69 and 72 both on personal pronouns.
Math: Number Bond Game, review addition facts from SMPMW1ASE Unit 3 and and begin Unit 4 on subtraction.
Ancient Literature: Cloud Weaver: Ancient Chinese Legends
3/15 Schoolwork and Progress
We had a very relaxing, though productive day. We cleaned all morning in preparation for our first appointment with an estate sale company. It didn't go quite as hoped, but more on that later. The upside is the house feels livable again!
Audrey and Lorelei both spent hours and hours being creative today. It is amazing how Lorelei's attention span grows when it's a task of her own choosing! They worked on painting thank-you cards. Audrey also wrote out 5 of them, which we are calling her composition lesson for the day. During quiet time today, Audrey and Jacob played the Number Bond Game, and Audrey decided to work on some bedding for her fairies. She did some very pretty embroidering (thank you for the supplies Emily and Eliza!)
Audrey and Lorelei both spent hours and hours being creative today. It is amazing how Lorelei's attention span grows when it's a task of her own choosing! They worked on painting thank-you cards. Audrey also wrote out 5 of them, which we are calling her composition lesson for the day. During quiet time today, Audrey and Jacob played the Number Bond Game, and Audrey decided to work on some bedding for her fairies. She did some very pretty embroidering (thank you for the supplies Emily and Eliza!)
![]() |
creating |
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Lorelei's paintings |
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Playing the Number Bonds game (of Jacob's invention). She loves it! |
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Embroidering some bedding for her fairy house. |
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The finished work |
3/15 progress
We had a visit from the estate sellers today. I'm not sure if that's going to work out. These guys didn't seem to think it was worth their time.
On the positive side, April sorted things out with the leasing office and we are in fact done in June.
We had a really great day of ownschooling today.
95 days.
On the positive side, April sorted things out with the leasing office and we are in fact done in June.
We had a really great day of ownschooling today.
95 days.
3/14 schoolwork
Audrey and I played number-bond cards. With a deck of fours sets of cards from 0 to 10, we each pick a number, also from 0 to 10, and grab pairs of cards adding up to our number. Of course, the person with the higher number always wins, though she hasn't realized that yet. She just loves consistently beating me.
We also reviewed the meaning of first, second, and third person, and singular and plural, and reviewed our memorized lists of first person singular and plural personal pronouns. She's got them all down pat.
We read the first section of the chapter on ancient Americans from SotWV1on the Nazca lines. What an amazing thing! We answered review questions and Audrey gave dictation and copied what she told me in summary.
We reviewed "Devotion" by Robert Frost at dinner. I think we've all got that one pretty well now.
April read Lo Tiki Tiki Tembo for school, and I snuck in for cuddles.
We read aloud the story of the Eight Immortals going to sea from Cloud Weavers: Ancient Chinese Legends, a chapter from Little Town in the Ozarks, and Audrey read aloud Chapter 8 from The Knight at Dawn.
We also reviewed the meaning of first, second, and third person, and singular and plural, and reviewed our memorized lists of first person singular and plural personal pronouns. She's got them all down pat.
We read the first section of the chapter on ancient Americans from SotWV1on the Nazca lines. What an amazing thing! We answered review questions and Audrey gave dictation and copied what she told me in summary.
We reviewed "Devotion" by Robert Frost at dinner. I think we've all got that one pretty well now.
April read Lo Tiki Tiki Tembo for school, and I snuck in for cuddles.
We read aloud the story of the Eight Immortals going to sea from Cloud Weavers: Ancient Chinese Legends, a chapter from Little Town in the Ozarks, and Audrey read aloud Chapter 8 from The Knight at Dawn.
3/14 progress
April and I began going through my photographic inventory of the house and garage and identifying the items to keep, to decide about, and to ship to others. Everything else is a strong candidate for the estate seller. It's simultaneously agonizing and exhilarating.
We also reviewed Vigor's Cosmo quiz for seaworthy boats from TSOS. I need to apply that to all the boats we consider from now on. It scores boats (and crew) with 56 questions on a scale from 60 to 242, where a score of 131 means that you shouldn't even pay for a survey. Lower is better. On the basis of my personal experience, we go into the quiz for any boat with a score of 8. Most of the questions are ones I'll be able to answer for myself by looking at pictures of boats, but several will need answers from the sellers, including:
- number of through-hulls?
- material of through-hull fittings?
- type of seacocks?
- signs of leaks at the hull to deck joint?
- underwater blisters?
- number of built in bulkheads?
- visible signs of hogging at the chainplates?
- emergency tiller?
- soft spots on deck?
- leaks at through-deck fastenings?
- backing plates for through-deck fastenings?
- cockpit self-draining (number, size of drains)?
- layup of rigging?
- standing rigging material?
- rigging terminators?
- 2-way toggles at both ends of all rigging?
- permanent backstay?
- what type of rigging turnbuckles?
- going to windward, is there a lee or weather helm, slight or strong, or balanced?
I don't envy the seller who gets this homework assignment!
96 days.
We also reviewed Vigor's Cosmo quiz for seaworthy boats from TSOS. I need to apply that to all the boats we consider from now on. It scores boats (and crew) with 56 questions on a scale from 60 to 242, where a score of 131 means that you shouldn't even pay for a survey. Lower is better. On the basis of my personal experience, we go into the quiz for any boat with a score of 8. Most of the questions are ones I'll be able to answer for myself by looking at pictures of boats, but several will need answers from the sellers, including:
- number of through-hulls?
- material of through-hull fittings?
- type of seacocks?
- signs of leaks at the hull to deck joint?
- underwater blisters?
- number of built in bulkheads?
- visible signs of hogging at the chainplates?
- emergency tiller?
- soft spots on deck?
- leaks at through-deck fastenings?
- backing plates for through-deck fastenings?
- cockpit self-draining (number, size of drains)?
- layup of rigging?
- standing rigging material?
- rigging terminators?
- 2-way toggles at both ends of all rigging?
- permanent backstay?
- what type of rigging turnbuckles?
- going to windward, is there a lee or weather helm, slight or strong, or balanced?
I don't envy the seller who gets this homework assignment!
96 days.
3/12 progress
I finished taking a photographic inventory of all out stuff in the house and the garage. We'll sit down and go through these couple hundred pictures and make preliminary decisions about what will come with us.
Meantime, April made initial contact with some estate sellers about cleaning us out of the rest.
I've been in touch with a seller about his cat ketch. I really like the boats, in particular for the tradewind passages we have in mind.
April also discovered the apartment complex thinks we have a 12-month lease, so we'll have to sort that out.
98 days. I think.
Meantime, April made initial contact with some estate sellers about cleaning us out of the rest.
I've been in touch with a seller about his cat ketch. I really like the boats, in particular for the tradewind passages we have in mind.
April also discovered the apartment complex thinks we have a 12-month lease, so we'll have to sort that out.
98 days. I think.
Pearson 424
PEARSON 424 | |
LWL | 33.67 |
LOA | 42.33 |
Beam | 13 |
Draft | 5.25 |
Disp (lbs) | 22000 |
Ballast | 7600 |
SA | 728 |
LWL/Bm | 2.59 |
D/L ratio | 257.30 |
SA/D ratio | 14.81 |
Bal/D | 34.55 |
Capsize screening | 1.86 |
Comfort ratio | 30.56 |
Hull speed | 7.78 |
Birthday Bonanza
I'm a fan of celebrating birthdays in a big way! I love birthdays and there is something about making a big deal out of my kid's birthdays that is really fun to me, and I hope to them. We do a birthday week around here, and for Audrey's 6th we really crammed that week full of awesome parties.
Audrey has been wanting an American Girl for a very long time and saving up her money for one. Jacob and I decided that we would help her buy one for her birthday, so last weekend we invited some good friends to join us at the American Girl Store and pick one out. It is a very big to-do. Audrey finally decided on a Caroline doll, that not only looks a lot like her, but also SAILS! She is so excited. After picking out the doll, we all went next door and ate dinner with the dolls, and then to top it all off Audrey's friend Athena came home with us for a sleep-over (where not too much sleeping happened).
We also had a play date with some of our homeschool friends and had a little birthday party while there. Then, the day before Audrey's birthday we met more great friends at Chuck E Cheese for a birthday party. Our realtor had given us a gift certificate there as a closing gift, and this was a great opportunity to use it. Audrey loved it! Her favorite part was cashing in her 176 tickets for some really cheap junk that she forgot in the car the next day. She has been asking when we can go back every other day since.
She went to her homeschool supplemental program on her actual birthday and they did a really beautiful party for her. It starts with putting on the birthday play where Audrey chooses the cast and then acts out her arrival on earth. Then we had a treat, and everyone collaborated in a sweet birthday mural. I was invited to the party and it all felt so special!
Grampsy flew in for the festivities. For her birthday dinner she chose Benihana. She loved the teppanyaki show! Grampsy also helped us orchestrate yet another birthday party. Audrey decided she wanted a ski birthday this year, which Jacob and I thought was very fitting considering this will probably be our last year living so close to a ski hill for a while. Some friends met Audrey at Eldora and skied in the morning, then we had a fun party in the lodge, complete with a craft and cake. Jacob said it was his favorite party yet! I have to say, it was nice. I didn't go too overboard with trying to make 30 tutus or Rapunzel hair pieces like I have in the past, and I didn't stress over the food, and just brought easy snacks. Oh - and bonus, skiing with her awesome skier friend Chaaya gave Audrey the courage to ski her first double black diamond run!
Audrey has been wanting an American Girl for a very long time and saving up her money for one. Jacob and I decided that we would help her buy one for her birthday, so last weekend we invited some good friends to join us at the American Girl Store and pick one out. It is a very big to-do. Audrey finally decided on a Caroline doll, that not only looks a lot like her, but also SAILS! She is so excited. After picking out the doll, we all went next door and ate dinner with the dolls, and then to top it all off Audrey's friend Athena came home with us for a sleep-over (where not too much sleeping happened).
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Audrey with her new American Girl, Caroline |
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Lorelei, Audrey and Athena with their girls |
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Eating out with the girls |
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Chuck E. Cheese |
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Michael giving Lo a lift |
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Audrey's decorate-your-own cupcake treats at Kinderheart |
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Working on her mural |
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The finished product |
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Benihana |
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Audrey with her Grampsy |
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Birthday beignets with Grampsy |
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Lorelei helping to pick out the birthday party decorations…I think she's in the wrong aisle. |
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Riding the lift with Grampsy |
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Skiing with her friend Grace |
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Riding the lift with the birthday girl |
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Making snow globes at the ski party |
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Snow globes |
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Spending time with Nani at the birthday party |
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At Eldora |
Whew! Now that birthday week is over we are all a little tired and ready to just get back into our routine.
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In random other cool news, Audrey and Lorelei getting their picture taken for swimmers of the month during birthday week. |
3/10 schoolwork
We played our cool new number-bond card game. It's so fun and effective, I'm considering moving on with the next units in Math before being at 100% on memorizing the bonds, because I no longer have any doubt that we will have them in short order.
We also read from Cloud Weavers: Ancient Chinese Legends, Little Town in the Ozarks, The Knight at Dawn.
Audrey's pretty sick, so we'll probably skip school tomorrow.
We also read from Cloud Weavers: Ancient Chinese Legends, Little Town in the Ozarks, The Knight at Dawn.
Audrey's pretty sick, so we'll probably skip school tomorrow.
Ericson 36c
Ericson 36, Ft. Pierce, FL, $36,900
Surprising to have two staterooms in 36 feet. Nice big cockpit with great framework. Came with a sailing dingy. Nice transom-hung rudder. A little small for a family of 4 with a big black dog. Some soft spots on deck.
Surprising to have two staterooms in 36 feet. Nice big cockpit with great framework. Came with a sailing dingy. Nice transom-hung rudder. A little small for a family of 4 with a big black dog. Some soft spots on deck.
ericson 36c | |
LWL | 30 |
LOA | 36 |
Beam | 12 |
Draft | 5.5 |
Disp (lbs) | 17,200 |
Ballast | 5,800 |
SA | 557 |
Bm/L | 0.33 |
D/L ratio | 284.39 |
SA/D ratio | 13.35 |
Bal/D | 33.72 |
Capsize screening | 1.86 |
Comfort ratio | 30.31 |
Hull speed | 7.34 |
100-day plan
You know what we need? We need a hundred-day plan.
Here it is:
- figure out how to continue paying for this project
- figure out where we can go do that where there are lots of boats
- get rid of nearly everything
- pack what's left
- go to the aforementioned place
Simple, really.
101 days left.
Here it is:
- figure out how to continue paying for this project
- figure out where we can go do that where there are lots of boats
- get rid of nearly everything
- pack what's left
- go to the aforementioned place
Simple, really.
101 days left.
103 days left in CO
103 days left in CO.
What in the world will we do with ourselves?
As a reminder to my future self and to others pursuing similar long range goals, there were always times like this, when we felt like we were spinning our wheels in the face of onrushing obligations and deadlines. So far we have always gotten traction eventually and moved on. It's my expectation that at some point, a few years from now, I will read this in a similar situation, and be able to see it from the perspective of having achieved a worthy goal.
Things always look better after a good night's rest.
CT 47, Fort Pierce, $99000:
Big and roomy, nice layout, cool work bench. Good engine access, with cool fire ports. Jacob felt like it was too big. Thought the center line queen in the aft cabin isn't really practical.
Big and roomy, nice layout, cool work bench. Good engine access, with cool fire ports. Jacob felt like it was too big. Thought the center line queen in the aft cabin isn't really practical.
ct-47 | |
LWL | 37.5 |
LOA | 47 |
Beam | 13.16 |
Draft | 6 |
Disp (lbs) | 29,395 |
Ballast | 12,000 |
SA | 908 |
Bm/L | 0.28 |
D/L ratio | 248.85 |
SA/D ratio | 15.22 |
Bal/D | 40.82 |
Capsize screening | 1.71 |
Comfort ratio | 36.10 |
Hull speed | 8.21 |
3/6 schoolwork
Mostly a day off of school for A's birthday.
We did play the number bond card game and did very well.
We did play the number bond card game and did very well.
Tayana 42
Brand new engine. Liked the power winch,
nice spacious layout, great cockpit enclosure, well taken care of. Very
pricey. Nice woodwork.
Tayana Vancouver 42 | |
LWL | 33 |
LOA | 41.75 |
Beam | 12.5 |
Draft | 5.8 |
Disp (lbs) | 29,157 |
Ballast | 11,800 |
SA | 833 |
LWL/Bm | 2.64 |
D/L ratio | 362.20 |
SA/D ratio | 14.04 |
Bal/D | 40.47 |
Capsize screening | 1.63 |
Comfort ratio | 43.44 |
Hull speed | 7.70 |
3/5 schoolwork
- Number bond game breakthrough!
- Read SotWV1 Chapter 33 on Confucius (what a tool!)
- Answered review questions
- cards
- Wrote birthday cards and get well cards.
- Read about and did narration and copywork on pandas
Passport 42
Passport 42, Fort Pierce, FL, $124,500
April:My ultimate favorite. It was spacious with two staterooms, plus a quarter berth. The staterooms were large enough to have walking room when the door was closed. Great head, with a real tub! Nice cockpit. Nice U shaped galley. Too expensive for us. It was well taken care of. Loved how the companion way didn't deposit you directly into the galley.
Clean bottom, feathering prop. Fully fitted out to cruise. Solid stainless railing around the aft. The transom arch was a little too tall, adding too much weight too high. Liked the access to all the components. It didn't waste room on an extra head. Cool pivoting swim ladder. Totally decked out with equipment and ready to sail away.
106 days left in CO
April:My ultimate favorite. It was spacious with two staterooms, plus a quarter berth. The staterooms were large enough to have walking room when the door was closed. Great head, with a real tub! Nice cockpit. Nice U shaped galley. Too expensive for us. It was well taken care of. Loved how the companion way didn't deposit you directly into the galley.
Clean bottom, feathering prop. Fully fitted out to cruise. Solid stainless railing around the aft. The transom arch was a little too tall, adding too much weight too high. Liked the access to all the components. It didn't waste room on an extra head. Cool pivoting swim ladder. Totally decked out with equipment and ready to sail away.
Passport 42 | |
LWL | 34.83 |
LOA | 42 |
Beam | 12.83 |
Draft | 6.3 |
Disp (lbs) | 25,500 |
Ballast | 9,000 |
SA | 764 |
LWL/Bm | 2.71 |
D/L ratio | 269.42 |
SA/D ratio | 14.08 |
Bal/D | 35.29 |
Capsize screening | 1.75 |
Comfort ratio | 35.35 |
Hull speed | 7.91 |
106 days left in CO
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